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Love for Türkiye

Writer: BridgeenBridgeen

This is me and my wee Turkish baby Bediha (Beddy – in matching dresses) with our Turkish family in Altinkum, Türkiye back in October 2022. Thank goodness they don’t live anywhere near the devastating earthquake that happened in their country on 6 February 2023.

Beddy has 20 Turkish first cousins. One of them Onur is currently doing his military service and is stationed in Kilis close to the earthquake epicenter.

Luckily despite his building collapsing that night, he and all his friends escaped with minor injuries to their physical bodies though no doubt a lot of trauma. It is impossible to imagine the impact of the devastation of 40,000 people in your country being killed by a horrendous act of nature.

To hear one terribly sad story of a friend who has lost his home, his wife and his children is horrendous to multiply that by thousands, is unimaginable. The horror, heartbreak, trauma, and sadness that all Turks are experiencing right now are unfathomable. there is currently a state of emergency in Turkey and the wounds run deep.  It’s not just people, animals and buildings that have been destroyed, but whole towns and cities.  So many displaced families and children. So much suffering. It’s hard to watch, to read to talk about.

With things like this, it’s natural to want to turn away, it’s not in our street and we have enough to deal with in our own lives. But when it’s affecting people I know I always say ok, ‘what can I do?’ I really can’t do much. But I do have classes that I offer and I can donate that money to help those who are helping. As Mr Rodgers famously said ‘look for the helpers.’

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world. If we look for the helpers we don’t have to fall into despair.”

My next class this month is online on Saturday 25 February at 11am. 100% of all the money raised will go to the DEC (Disasters and Emergency Committee) fund for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. You don’t have to come to the class you can give directly to the DEC here

So far with my in-person love class in Namaste and the bookings for Saturday I’ve raised £615 and I hope I can raise a bit more so if you fancy some love meditation and knowing that your money is helping others please book in, I’d Love to have you x

In the scale of things it’s not much but to take action and do something in the face of a situation where there is really not much we can do, feels positive and it shows that we care. We are always the first recipients of our own kindness…

When we are so far away our donations and our prayers Do make a difference.

Two of the participants from the in-person version of the workshop earlier this month said this about the workshop:

“An experience of meditation, connection, warmth, honesty and calm. I always learn something new at your sessions and leave relaxed, lighter and rejuvenated. Thank you. X” Julie

“A lovely time of peace, calm and tranquility. 💓Very uplifting, interesting and so good to devote uninterrupted time to oneself. Thank you Bridgeen.X” Denise

Please book directly with me or via the website:

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