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I’m expecting a baby :)

Writer: BridgeenBridgeen

Buddy’s gonna be a big brother! 🐶

Right now he’s my number one baby I told him his sibling was coming soon and he ran to the window and door to look for them 😅 I hope we’ll all be able to adjust ok. 🤰🏻

Every pregnancy is an exciting and scary time but with COVID and the the fact I’m turning 47 a month after baby is due to be born makes it easily anxiety provoking for me 😌

People say ‘sure you’ve got your mindfulness’ yes and thank heavens for it 💝 but being a mindfulness teacher or a mindfulness practitioner doesn’t mean you don’t feel the same emotions as every human being does🥰

Thankfully so far at almost 26 weeks it’s all good 🙏🏽and baby is due at the start of June which is why I’ve been saying I’ll be talking a LONG break from teaching – so sign up to my springtime classes now 🌼💛🌱

I believe my mindfulness practice 🧘🏾‍♀️has helped with conceiving and keeping this wee baby healthy though it all came as a unexpected shock 😃 Over the past few years I’ve experienced a number of miscarriages so the fear is very real 💔🌈

I know some people my age are already grandparents so if you know any fellow older mums I’d love to hear from them 🥰 But right now we’re enjoying our lockdown bubble.❤️ #Buddyandababysoon#buddysabigbrother#lockdownbaby#oldermum#impregnant 💖

(This post was first issued via my instagram on 5 March 2020)

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